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博士,博士生导师,温哥华(Vancouver)加拿大西蒙弗雷泽(Simon Fraser)大学教授。在美国麻省理工学院(Massachusetts of Institute of Technology)获得博士学位,并师从于著名语言学家莫里斯哈勒(Morris Halle)和诺姆乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)。

1975年,王教授美国北卡罗莱纳大学(University of North Carolina)访问教授。1977年和1984年王教授分别获得加拿大社会科学和人文研究理事会的学术奖励。他的学术著作,包括“词的奥妙”(The Wonder of Words),“语言学概论”(Introduction to Linguistics),“语音分析”(Phonological Analysis)和“音韵学基础理论”(Foundations of Theoretical Phonology)等著作。并在国际语言学术报刊物发表数十篇学术论文,他的学术研究方面,哲学语言学(philosophy of linguistics),语言学的变化(linguistic change),音韵学和形态学理论(theoretical phonology and morphology),西班牙语和法语语言学(Spanish and French languages),英语语言学(English linguistics)。

王道明教授被邀请参加许多国际语言学术会议并在学术会议作为访问教授分享他的学术研究和在多所大学担任访问教授。他目前的学术活动正在写一本关于“语言学的哲学”(The philosophy of linguistics)。

Professor Wang Daoming, PhD.

Professor Wang Daoming, PhD, was a doctoral candidate supervisor and full professor at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver Canada. He received his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States where he studied under the renown linguists Morris Halle and Noam Chomsky.

In 1975 Professor Wang was visiting professor at the University of North Carolina and in 1977 and 1984 received research awards from The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. His academic works include books such as “The Wonder of Words,” “Phonological Analysis,” and “Foundations of Theoretical Phonology". He has also published many phonological articles in international linguistics journals. His academic research includes philosophy of linguistics, linguistic change, theoretical phonology and morphology, and English linguistics.

Professor Wang has been invited to participate in many international linguistic conferences to share his linguistic research and several universities as visiting professor. His current academic activity is writing a book on the philosophy of linguistics.

下一篇:Mr. Tim Musgrave 上一篇:Dr. Ann Henry

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