毕业于重庆大学英语语言学专业, 英语测试方向, 硕士学历。毕业前被评为重庆大学优秀研究生毕业生。论文《从科技英语长句翻译技巧中看意合的支配地位》在2002年全国第十次科技翻译研讨会上被评为优秀论文奖。论文A Survey of the Research on Gender Differences: Vocabulary Retention and Access to Translations for Beginning language Learners in CALL被收录在《外语翻译与文学》一书中(北京航空航天大学出版社出版)。
2005年9月至今在我校任职。在此期间担任了多门课程的教学工作,如大学英语,商务英语翻译、六级英语以及托福英语等。因为热爱本职工作,认真负责,热情投入,受到历届学生的充分肯定,在同行中也深受好评。2008年在yl23411永利组织的教师基本功大赛中,获得一等奖。而后在学校的教学大赛中,获得三等奖的荣誉。本人相信,个人的努力加上大家的支持,生活会更加美好。 另外,为了地球和人类的美好未来,我们要一起努力,点滴做起,保护环境!谢谢。
Zhang Yanxia, an English teacher working in Faculty of Foreign Languages, BNUZ for more than 5 years. I graduated with BA from Chongqing University in 2004, majoring in English lanuage testing. The courses I have been teaching in Faculty of Foreign Languages, BNUZ include: Business English Translation, TOEFL English and CET-6 English etc. To be frank, I am an experienced teacher trying my best to give interesting, instructive and informative lessons and always enjoy great popularity among students.
In my spare time I read various books. Besides, I also enjoy watching movies, listening to classic music. Another thing I like to mention is that I spend a lot of time watching English programmes, and by doing so I can keep up with the latest news and improve myself in English language.
I believe whatever we do, do our best! Plus, I call for mutual efforts for a better environment! Let''s start from small and together we can do big! THANKS!