李孚声副教授,1977年毕业于北京第二yl23411永利英语系。教授听力、口译、研究生课程、高级英语和汉英翻译等课程。1982年至83年在澳大利亚留学,获得硕士学位。1989年至90年,赴加拿大温哥华教育局教中文,并进行中西语言比较研究。近年来,主要从事口笔译方面的教学与研究。编著教材《高级英语听力集锦》(1996),《英汉口译教程》(2008) ,《高级英语听译选粹》(2009), 《汉英翻译基础与策略》(2010)。
Mr. Li Fusheng, Associate Professor of English, graduated from the English Department, Beijing International Studies University with a bachelor of arts degree in English language and literature in 1977. From 1982 to 83, he studied in and graduated from Canberra University, Australia with a master of arts degree in TESOL (Teaching English as a Second and Other Language). From 1989 to 90, he taught Chinese in Vancouver high school, Canada. His publications include a series of textbooks: Selective Listening, (1996), Road to Oral Interpretation (2008), Advanced English for Listening and Translating (2009) and Fundamentals and Strategies of Chinese-to-English Translation (2010).