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詹惠春(Jenny Zhan)

作者: | 时间:2008-10-23 | 点击:

副教授, 硕士生导师。 1986年毕业于江西师范大学外语系,获文学学士学位;1996-1997就读于新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院英语,学习英语教育研究生课程。研究方向为英语教学法和二语习得。1986年7月至2003年8 月任教于江西师范大学外语学院;2003年9月至今任教于北京师范大学外语学院。长期从事大学英语、非英语专业研究生英语、英语专业本科以及英语专业研究生课程教学。另外还承担过外国留学生的汉语教学工作(持有国家教育部颁发的《对外汉语教师资格证书》)。所授课程有:《大学英语》,《研究生英语》,《语言教学理论》,《社会语言学》,《英语写作》,《高级英语》,《对外汉语语法》、《初级汉语阅读》,《阅读与写作》以及《现代美国口语》、《英语视听说(走遍美国)》、《出国人员中、高级阅读》等英语培训课程。主持和参加过多项省级课题研究,主编和参编多部教学用书,同时具有大量的英语翻译实践经验。

Zhan Huichun works as an associate professor in the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai. She obtained her bachelor of Arts degree from Jiangxi Normal University and her postgraduate diploma in English Language Teaching from National Institute of Education, Nanyang Techonological University, Singapore.

Prior to joining BNU at Zhuhai in 2003, Zhan Huichun had taught English for 17 years at Jiangxi Normal University. She also has had the experience of teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language to the overseas students at the school.

Zhan Huichun''s research interests are in English language teaching and Second Language Aquisition. She also has a great passion for English poetry and translation.

下一篇:高原(Gloria Gao) 上一篇:王娜(Nana Wang)

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