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作者: | 时间:2012-08-16 | 点击:


Professor Liu Xiangyu, a doctoral supervisor, is a renowned scholar on contrastive literature and world literature. He is the director of the academic committee of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of BNU at Zhuhai, a part-time professor both at the Research Institute of Contrastive Literature and Culture of Beijing University and at the Research Institute of European Literature of BFSU. He is also the deputy director of China’s Contrastive Literature Society, member of the Editorial Board of Foreign Literature Review and of Journal of Beijing Normal University. His major works include Introduction to Contrastive Literature, From Modernism to Postmodernism, The Theory of Culture on Post-colonialism, A Book of Cultural Studies, Selected Reading of Allan Poe’s Works, and Selected World-wide Short Stories: the American and Canadian Volume. His translated works include the Theory of Criticism from Plato to the Present and the Post Modernism Turn.

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